Coping with Corona virus COVID-19

The worldwide spread of the corona virus (COVID-19) has directly affected all our lifestyles and has brought upon us many challenges in maintaining personal and environmental hygiene. We are required to take extra care in maintaining hygiene which has created a need for new solutions in the areas of disinfection and cleaning.

We, as our customers, had to implement new hygiene procedures and provide a hygienic and safe environment in the work routine.

In order to provide a solution during this challenging times, we decided to expand our disinfection and cleaning solutions: cleaning and disinfecting materials designed for use on a variety of surfaces and spaces, cleaning and disinfecting materials designed to maintain personal hygiene and personal protective equipment.

In addition, as exclusive representatives of TORK, the number 1 hygiene brand in the world, we offer comprehensive professional solutions for maintaining hand and environmental hygiene at the highest level.